[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1510050093524{background-color: #ffffcc !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”3227″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_custom_heading text=”Musings of a Judge” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”Content” tab_id=”1510049671188-abd760da-3693″][vc_column_text]Gender Justice
- Women and Prejudice―This article explains the historical background of International Women’s Day (IWD).
- Gender Justice – A Legal Panorama―This explains the journey taken by Indian Courts about womens’ rights.
Intellectyual Property Rights
- Trade Secret, Contract Act and Reverse Engineering.
- Protection of Semiconductor Topography.
- Computers Software and Intellectual Property Rights.
- Charms and Dangers of Harry Potter’s World.
- Make Love, Not War―This explains Open Source Software (OSS) and allied matters.
- Patents: The Task Ahead―This discusses the problems in the field of patents and the solutions.
- Sanjeevani Booti―This article is about Traditional Knowledge; its protection problem and solution.
Articles & Lectures on General Topics
- Attitude Matters.
- Gandhi Jayanti.
- The Anxiety―To do Right―Remains.
- Prejudice―Womb of Injustice.
Cyber Laws
- Information Technology.
- Cyber Law.
- The Road to the Future.
- Information Technology and the Legal Profession.
- Good Seed Makes A Good Crop―This explains moral and legal implications of open format and ways to implement it.
- Beginning and end of Privacy: Strategies for Enforcement of Cyber Laws.
- Every fort can be breached: Policy Issues and Emerging Trends in Cyber Laws.
- Who shaves the Barber―This explains the role of adjudicating officers and challenges in implementing cyber laws.
- Speech delivered at the inauguration of web site of Allahabad High Court Bar Association.
- On the Internet, nobody knows that yu are a dog―This explains the fundamentals of cyber crime.
- Given enough Eyeballs, All bugs are shallow―This explains what is open source;why should it be adopted; what are the advantage & how money can be earned from it.
Court – Improvement
- Sharpening the axe: Ways for reducing pendency at Allahabad High Court.
- Gods are dreams of men: The story of Darwin, Creationism, Evolution and Law Courts.
- Science Fiction: The pied piper of science―This explains science fiction,historical background, and its importance in the field of science.
- Quest for a million dollars―About Srinivas Ramajujam, the great mathematician.
- The Green Pathway―This explains the principles established by the Courts for environment protection.
Reference, Condolence, Tributes and other functions
- Speeches concerning reference, condolence, and other functions as also tributes.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Reviews” tab_id=”1510049671229-28a41ca4-7b5b”][vc_column_text]
The sober judge
Here is a book by a judge that leaves you thoroughly entertained, not as much for the sagacity of his views (although they often are sagacious) and not even for the quality of his musings (for that is what they admittedly are). Musings of a Judge by Chief Justice Yatindra Singh of the Chhatisgarh High Court is eminently readable because of the sheer range of the author’s interests………..The Statesman
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